
We've Got Big Heads This Halloween-As Seen On KDKA

Last Minute Halloween Costume Idea - BIG HEADS

October 8, 2013
This Halloween Costume idea was a ton of fun to pull over on KDKA's Kristine Sorenson and Dennis Bowman!  What's best about our fun little joke is that it's actually a great Halloween Costume option.  

You will need to somehow allow for the ability to "see" while you're wearing the end result.  That's something we didn't actually figure out.  We'll credit this awesome idea to our Holy Trinity Catholic School Friend, Chris Frye. A group of children performed a "Gangnam Style" routine wearing teacher's heads at their annual talent show.  It was phenomenal! 

First take a picture of your subject's head. 
Take the photo to Sam's Club or Walmart to blow up poster sized.  We used 16 x 20 and MOST of the poster was filled up with the "head."  
Then we cut out the photo around the edges. 

Traced the photo onto cheap dollar store foam board. 

Cut out the foam board. 

Rubber cemented the photo onto the foam board. 

Last, attached girls elastic headbands with clear adhesive tap to create a way to attach it!

Remember to find a way to make this mask visible for you or your kiddo!

 With some thought it can be done, we just didn't get that far!