We were super excited to see our wonderful CONSOL full of ENERGY last night and even more excited to have been able to view the 2012 Kellogg’s® Tour of Gymnastics Champions there! Members of the Olympic Fierce Five and more awaited our arrival and my girls were terribly excited for the show!

My family sat on the edge of our seats during the intense gymnastics segment of the 2012 Summer Olympic games! Didn't you?
Tonight's performance was the complete opposite! We got to see the gymnasts show off,laugh, interact and have FUN! Their personalities shone through and on the heels of such intense competition this summer, it was refreshing to see! The audience was full of girls ages 5 to 18 or so with parents simply looking to catch a glimpse of their own future dreams! The shrieks of approval drowned the general applause each time one of the "stars" arrived on the floor! Such pride we have for our Olympiad team members!

Nastia Liukin, Gabby Douglas (2012 all-around gold medalist), Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber were all showcased and the shrieks of approval from the crowd were ear piercing! If you watched those games this summer you will have noted that Gabby, Aly, and Jordyn all performed their floor exercises routines from the games! That was very exciting to see in person! While the Fierce Five are touted as one of the highlights of the show there are MANY other champions that made appearances as well!
Also of note, the performance of pair Kristin Allen and Michael Rodrigues (acrobatic gymnastics world champions. ) The level of difficulty of their performance stole the show. Mary Sanders, rhythmic gymnastics Olympian, performed aerial stunts as well that were very impressive!
The 2012 Kellogg’s® Tour of Gymnastics Champions show is pure entertainment and if you head into the show with this in mind, you will not be disappointed! The show doesn't display the higher level difficulty routines as we saw in the Olympics, but it offers the opportunity to see your favorite Olympians cut loose a bit, show off some moves and shriek with joy when their name is announced! If you're a fan of our Olympians or of the sport in general it's a great opportunity to spot some stars and have an enjoyable night!

Our favorite number by far was the Party Rock Anthem and it had us dancing in our seats along with the cast of characters below! My 6 year old and 8 year old enjoyed the lights, costumes and animated routines! The trampoline exhibition was impressive as well and my girls are still talking about it!

The show is very entertaining, the music upbeat and "with it" and the opportunity to see the gymnasts not only perform great routines, but cut loose a bit is a great addition to this year's show opportunities!
Go grab your tickets now and breathe a sigh of relief that it doesn't matter if Gabby "nails" it!
Check out the 2012 Kellogg’s® Tour of Gymnastics Champions while it's available and salute not only the Fab 5 Gymnasts who brought it home for the US but other champions as well. The tour also features members of the USA men's Olympic gymnastics team as well as gymnasts of past Olympic acclaim!
The next stop is CT and then Brooklyn NY!
Ticketing info can be found here.
* Macaroni Kid was provided with complimentary tickets to this event however all views and opinions expressed are explicitly our own.

My family sat on the edge of our seats during the intense gymnastics segment of the 2012 Summer Olympic games! Didn't you?
Tonight's performance was the complete opposite! We got to see the gymnasts show off,laugh, interact and have FUN! Their personalities shone through and on the heels of such intense competition this summer, it was refreshing to see! The audience was full of girls ages 5 to 18 or so with parents simply looking to catch a glimpse of their own future dreams! The shrieks of approval drowned the general applause each time one of the "stars" arrived on the floor! Such pride we have for our Olympiad team members!
Nastia Liukin, Gabby Douglas (2012 all-around gold medalist), Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber were all showcased and the shrieks of approval from the crowd were ear piercing! If you watched those games this summer you will have noted that Gabby, Aly, and Jordyn all performed their floor exercises routines from the games! That was very exciting to see in person! While the Fierce Five are touted as one of the highlights of the show there are MANY other champions that made appearances as well!
The crowd was pleased to see not only the 2012 Olympic men and women's team member, but the US men's national team, the US women's national team, Nastia Liukin: 2008 Olympic all-around champion, members of the 2012 rhythmic and the Olympic trampoline team!
Also of note, the performance of pair Kristin Allen and Michael Rodrigues (acrobatic gymnastics world champions. ) The level of difficulty of their performance stole the show. Mary Sanders, rhythmic gymnastics Olympian, performed aerial stunts as well that were very impressive!
The 2012 Kellogg’s® Tour of Gymnastics Champions show is pure entertainment and if you head into the show with this in mind, you will not be disappointed! The show doesn't display the higher level difficulty routines as we saw in the Olympics, but it offers the opportunity to see your favorite Olympians cut loose a bit, show off some moves and shriek with joy when their name is announced! If you're a fan of our Olympians or of the sport in general it's a great opportunity to spot some stars and have an enjoyable night!
Our favorite number by far was the Party Rock Anthem and it had us dancing in our seats along with the cast of characters below! My 6 year old and 8 year old enjoyed the lights, costumes and animated routines! The trampoline exhibition was impressive as well and my girls are still talking about it!

The show is very entertaining, the music upbeat and "with it" and the opportunity to see the gymnasts not only perform great routines, but cut loose a bit is a great addition to this year's show opportunities!
Said spectator Lesley Ludwick of Pittsburgh, PA. "We loved it! There was audience participation. I had no idea what to expect and we were surprised! They are amazing athletes and its so nice for kids our girls age to have role models like them to look up to. 10 out of 10 in my book!" Her daughter,Kameron, is an aspiring dancer and gymnast at Fire and Ice Allstars Inc.
Go grab your tickets now and breathe a sigh of relief that it doesn't matter if Gabby "nails" it!
Check out the 2012 Kellogg’s® Tour of Gymnastics Champions while it's available and salute not only the Fab 5 Gymnasts who brought it home for the US but other champions as well. The tour also features members of the USA men's Olympic gymnastics team as well as gymnasts of past Olympic acclaim!
The next stop is CT and then Brooklyn NY!
Ticketing info can be found here.
* Macaroni Kid was provided with complimentary tickets to this event however all views and opinions expressed are explicitly our own.