If you're anything like me then you're unorganized and running around at all times like a chicken without her head. If you're perfect, then we can't be friends.
This year I've chosen to let the girls pack their lunches. This is by far more inexpensive for me, yet much more work. It's also a big mess if you ask me. I needed a way to organize lunch box packing time-- and create some semblance of sanity.
I did some research and found several ways to organize lunch materials. Many people use those plastic drawers. Each drawer is labeled with a food item of choice or materials necessary for packing the lunches. The point is, everything is where it needs to be. Easily accessible and organized in such a manner that the kids get to make "choices" that mom and dad have offered as "options." Win. Win.
Here's what I came up with because I'm super stylish. OXO has these absolutely fantastic Pop Container Set.
I seriously am obsessed with them. They are air tight and designed for stacking as well. Imagine what your pantry could look like? * daydream with me*
So I used them for my lunch assembly line BECAUSE I am semi brilliant.
I got some Martha Stewart labels that were fridge and freezer safe. (Staples)
I printed the names of the "contents" of my containers and then filled them up as necessary.
I lined them up and instructed the girls to pack their lunch!
I gave them options, they felt like big kids.
I got to control the entire thing without them knowing it.
I'm also super organized now. I can replenish these with new items anytime I need and my coutnertop looks fantastic if I must say so myself.
You agree huh?
You can find these Pop Containers on line or at any OXO retailer. Bed Bath and Beyond carries a very nice selection and I even bought a HUGE one to fit more drinks in!