For many years I sat at the base of my driveway watching my husband take off with the kiddos on Halloween night. I was left in the dust, to hand out candy. Enjoyable, sure? But really? Again? I would like to see MY kids trick or treating at least ONCE in a decade. So that later I can make fun of them when they are 16 and headed to the prom. ( there has to be a way to get back at them for the " I'm RUNNING AWAY! I HATE YOU! " remarks I get) Oh you don't get those? Too bad for you. It's fun.
So anyways, I created this little friend to help DELVE out the candy to neighboring children. Most of whom have parents who follow rules and guidelines. Most of whom implore their children to follow etiquette rules of-- DON'T BE A HOG--- SAVE SOME FOR OTHERS.
You know that rule too? Good, we can be friends.
Hence I created Mr. Frankenstein Freebie out of a planter, some acrylic paint, hot glue, floral foam, moss and some Charms Blow Pops or Tootsie Pops. Feel free to make a sign that says-- BEWARE I WILL FIND YOU IF YOU TAKE MORE THAN ONE. Or, TAKE ONE, OR ELSE. Or don't make a sign and lose all your lolli's. Your choice.
Either way it gets YOU off candy duty, it still keeps your house safe from Toilet Papering and gets you WITH YOUR FAMILY.
We showed off a smaller "party table" version on KDKA. We made this with a green plastic bucket and some sticky fun foam for the characteristics. We weren't carrying in a massive porch sized version-- not matter how much we adore you all. Heels and "heavy" things…don't mix.
To make a 'LEAVE OUT ON YOUR DOORSTEP" Frankenstein… you'll need to go bigger. Think "Texas."
1. Get a large planter. Plastic please. Use the one sitting in your garage. The one the ferns died in.
2. Paint it FRANKENSTEIN GREEN with acrylic paints or spray paint that works on plastic.
Outside of the planter only. ( do not use water based paints-- they won't stick)
3. Paint on eyes, hair, and mouth with alternative colors. You can even use fun foam to cut and create the same pieces we used.
It's simple. Don't get freaked out. You CAN do this. Just COPY. The FORCE IS WITH YOU!
4. Stuff the inside with old towels, or newspaper so that the top is free for the floral foam. MAKE SURE that it is stuffed well because once you start pushing down the lolli's, your floral foam begins to sink. The higher up the better. You can cover the foam with moss no matter how high it is!
5. Glue a few snug pieces of floral foam to the open portion of the planter. (On top of the newspaper or towels you stuffed in.) This is where you will stick the lollipops.
6. Tacky glue some Spanish Moss, available at local craft store.
7. Stick tons of lollipops in.
8. Stick him on a planter stand, accessible to all. Stake a sign next to him that says
ENJOY and please share this with your friends by clicking the facebook tab above!