One of the perks of being part of my family is their ability to completely spoil my children! OK, so my husband and I do a fairly decent job all on our own! My son, Joseph, turned 3 this summer and I just could not justify buying another car, truck or race track just to have it sit in a corner because he already has 5 similar items. So, what do my wondering eyes do appear but a load of dirt on a truck called John Deere!! We had recently visited a farm that had a huge pile of dirt and we could NOT keep our kids away from it. It was like nothing I had seen before… they all chose to forgo the swings, slides and even bikes to dig around like little piggy’s that had just discovered dirt for the first time! So, I ran this idea past Joe and after talking him out of just digging the dirt from our property, we decided to make plans for the biggest dirt pile EVER!! Well, at least the biggest dirt pile in our yard. Step 1: Prepare the area! We put down weed stop just to make a nice, clean, even surface for our dirty delivery. We also chose to put a small border around it to help keep the dirt in place. Joe also put in a small entrance so they could drive their trucks right on into the pile!
Step 2: Get the cheapest dirt that you can find that doesn’t contain fertilizer. We ordered 5 yards and it’s HUGE. (Recruit some help like we did! Thanks Uncle Nick!!)
Step 2: Hide lots of objects in the dirt for them to dig out. (Julia liked this part!)
Step 3: Buy a tarp and bungee cords to keep the dirt pile dry and free of any animal droppings… clean dirt is always best… right Momma Roden??!! (My mother insisted we only play in clean dirt when we were kids!) Step 4: Make sure to have tons of soap on hand because they will get dirty and they will love it!!! This is one of those times that the gift actually exceeded my expectations. They ask to play in the dirt pile every day and enjoy every minute of being outside and getting dirty!