A Mom Who Made It Happen
Deborah Ann Roden
HomeTown: Borger, Texas Currently reside in West Pittsburgh!
Deborah Ann Roden
HomeTown: Borger, Texas Currently reside in West Pittsburgh!
Tell Us about your business and why you created it! FFOP is a unique church to say the least.
"I began FFOP because what I had heard, learned, and studied over the past 40 was ok but it did not line up with what I knew in my heart. My first sermon to a congregation was when I was 17 years old and over the years I just knew there had to be more than if you do this I will do that. The ministry was always based on if you do good you get good but that is not what the Bible said. For many years I knew I loved God and I said I knew that God loved me but did not believe it for a second because I was always missing the mark. FFOP was inspired by the truth that God loves us because of His Son and the finished work Jesus completed at the cross and His Resurrection. FFOP is not about behavior modification but heart transformation. Sweatless victories, resting in God's arms and Him revealing and Him bringing your destiny to pass."
Tell us about your family
"First and foremost is my husband of 40 years.When I began teaching Bible in my daughters' Christian School he would cook dinner, etc. Without his unselfish giving not only of his time but encouraging ever step of the way.
My oldest daughter Kim has been my biggest fan. When I wanted to quit she was always there saying ""You can do it Mom!"" Kim has strength for me in my weakest moments. My youngest daughter Chris has not only encouraged me but in the bad times always was there to point out the positive. Their husbands are sent straight from heaven not only for them but also for me. All my family wears many hats at FFOP and I could not do it without each one of them because of their many gifts and talents. My grandchildren C.J., Julia, and Joseph remind me daily how much My Heavenly Father loves me. They are many times the voice of God in my life. Their folded hands at the dinner table and bedtime prayers tell me with God this future generation has hope, a confident expectation of good. It truly takes a family to raise a pastor."
Tell us about your background/ education
Attended Borger High School.
20 years read every book by Kenneth E. Hagin Sr. consumes every cassette tape that I could get my hands on.
The past 5 years I have been immersed in Joesph Prince's teachings on the Gospel of Grace, the unearned, unmerited favor of God"
What Advice do you have for other moms looking to make it happen at home? Looking to have it all!?
"I will be 60 years old at the end of Oct. so I have blown it every way you can blow it. I have made mistakes with my husband, my kids, my grandkids and in the ministry. When I finally realized God created me to be a wife, mom, grandma, and pastor that He was the one that was going to have to tell me how to be the very best possible in every area. The best way to succeed is listen to His small still voice. When the kids are screaming, there is nothing for dinner and your lights are going to be shut off because you forgot to pay the bill, just sit still! I know it sounds crazy but you were created for a special purpose and for most women for a season that special purpose is being a mom. But when the kids are grown and your husband is at work you are left home alone with someone you do not know and that is yourself. Take time today to find your passion. That passion that God has placed on the inside of you defines who you truly were created to be. Once you find your passion then you find your destiny. I have yet to meet a woman that did not have an awesome gift lying dormant. Take time to sit still and know that God made you unique. There is no other person on the planet with your fingerprints therefore no other person can shape your destiny. You were created for greatness in every area of your life!"
What do you love about having your own business?
I love running FFOP because of my Business Partner. He knows everything! Whether it is to run a debt free church in man's economy or who we should hire to lay the carpet. I do have an unfair advantage because if I need a new employee for the church I do not have to run an ad on Monster.com I just ask and they show up the following Sunday. I love having a stress free business to me this is FFOP's greatest accomplishment. Stress is the #1 killer and not only do I get to live this way I get to teach others how to live stress free, sickness free, debt free and experience Heaven on earth. I am blessed beyond words I love my job and my life."
When did you know it was going to WORK!?
Almost 6 years ago we started in a basement with 5 people listening to me teach on Kingdom Living. God said: "Deb don't look at the number of people look at them as you are teaching, The President of the United States, Prime Minister, CEO of Microsoft, Rachael Ray, and Oprah Winfrey. That first Sunday Service I knew if I prepared every sermon from then on as if the above people were in the pews that God would bless my socks off and He is a Man of His Word!"
What challenge(s) did you find most prevalent as a mom running a business?
My greatest challenge for the past 40 years has been keeping my priorities straight. My relationship with God is first, #2 my relationship with my husband, #3 my relationship with my daughters, #4 my relationship with my grandchildren and #5 is running FFOP. Anytime I run into problems this is the first place I look. Where have I gotten my priorities out of place. I have seen it happen over and over when I keep my priorities straight My Heavenly Father makes all the above flow. With His wisdom there is nothing that is impossible. Unfortunately I have wanted to quit millions of times. Of course my family is always there with those famous words:"It is not about you!" When I get my eyes on my inadequacies is the time I am most vulnerable to giving up. As I jerk a knot in my tail stand in front of a mirror and say as loud as I can, "FFOP is not about you! You are only the paper girl. It is not my words it is His Word just open your mouth and God will fill it!"
Any other information you' d like to share. Is there a part of your story we missed? Tell it here!
"It is never to late to begin. Success does not depend on education, desire to be rich, or the desire to be successful. At age 54 I started a church in a basement. Today not only is FFOP successful but my family is blessed in every area of their lives. There is an old saying: "If momma's not happy no one's happy!" Now is the truth beyond truth: "When momma's is happy everyone is happy!" Whether you are a single mom or married mom your life can be lived in sweatless victory. You are never alone Jesus said I will never leave or forsake you and I will never let you down. I am here just waiting for you to say help! God does not want us moms to be broke, busted and disgusted. He wants you to be healthy, wealthy, wise and happy. Remember it is you that makes Him look good! God is not about religion He is about relationship.
Pastor Debbie Roden has been a contributor and supporter of Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC since 2010. Her enigmatic personality radiates as not only Pastor but as a wife, mother and businesswoman. We're proud to showcase her success story because churches are a vital part of the communities we live in. -- Debby P Editor, Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC
Pastor Debbie Roden has been a contributor and supporter of Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC since 2010. Her enigmatic personality radiates as not only Pastor but as a wife, mother and businesswoman. We're proud to showcase her success story because churches are a vital part of the communities we live in. -- Debby P Editor, Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC