12x12 blank canvas (a 2 pack is $7.99 at Michael's)
2 twenty-four packs of crayons
hot glue gun and glue
What you need to do:
Remove the black, white, peach, grey, and 4 other crayons from the box (we took out two orange and 2 red-violet ones).
Put crayons in pairs of like colors and in the order you want them on the canvas (rainbow pattern or random).
Hot glue the crayons to the top of the canvas and let cool for a few minutes.
Set hair dryer to hottest setting and turn on to the lowest blow setting.
Move the hair dryer slowly over the crayons. They will first get shiny and then start to melt.
Continue until the canvas is as covered as you like. You can also blow the air over the melted crayon drippings to spread the color and cover more of the canvas.
Let dry when you are done. It will cool quickly.
Hang your masterpiece!